A healthcare lighting system is not complete without a comprehensive line of fixtures meeting the latest in energy efficiency, operation, design, safety, and performance.

Diffused 1x2
High Output

Diffused 2x2
High Output

Diffused 1x4
High Output

Diffused 2x4
High Output

Ceiling Light

Wall Sconce

3" Gimbal

4" Gimbal

Exit Light

Exit Sign/Light

Exit Sign

The Illumination System of the Future

Installing fixtures using Class-2 DC power over Category-6 cable eliminates metal conduit, heavy gauge copper wire, and metal j-boxes to significantly reduce installation costs.

Our Digital Powered Gateway creates a hub for centralized control of lighting by DMX, 0-10 VDC, BACnet, KNX, or Alexa.

Per NEC, Class-2 Power eliminates the possibility of electrocution or fire from lighting in the occupied space.

A single DPG can power and control up to:
- 213 – 2×2 Diffused Fixtures
- 711 – 6″ Round Fixtures
with single-color, tunable-white or RGBW illumination.

Carries 200 watts of Class-2 DC power at 48 or 56 VDC to fixtures, with dimming, color changing and data gathering from our remote Digital Powered Gateway.

- 85% reduction in lighting’s carbon footprint
- Sustainable production methods
- 99% recyclable at end-of-life
- No RF or EM radiation
- Environmentally friendly
- Earns LEED Points.