Utilizing a Digital Powered Gateway...
Digital Control, and Highly Efficient LED Illumination...
Our technology removes PoE nodes and drivers from fixtures, reduces heat in the occupied space, provides efficient centralized AC to DC power conversion and lighting control, delivers 220 Lumens per watt from 150,000 hour LM 70 rated LEDs, removes heavy gauge copper wire, metal conduit and J-boxes from installations. We provide virtually unlimited lighting control and reduce the cost for installed lighting and ongoing operation and maintenance costs.

An increasing number of architects, designers and facility managers utilize research-driven design, recognizing that the illumination of a space can have a measurable influence on the well-being of its occupants. We employ applications and LEDs specifically designed for safe human exposure, allowing the effect of lighting on an individual’s circadian rhythm, health and well-being to be controlled and improved.
Our use of Class-2 DC power to fixtures and controls (inherently safe per NEC) provides lighting that cannot cause a fire or electrocution. This not only provides a safer environment for the occupant but can add value and reduced insurance costs.

We not only provide energy monitoring and lighting control from the “Cloud”, but are also controllable by BACnet, KNX, DMX, DALI and 0-10 VDC controls. An open architecture allowing industry standard control increases our capability for use in an unlimited number of lighting applications.
Today’s lighting requires the ability to switch from a building’s AC power to sources of alternate energy. Our digital technology not only meets emergency egress lighting requirements but allows switching to numerous sources of back-up power with selectable levels of illumination. This adds features essential for sustainability, net zero construction, and specialized applications.

Our PoEzero technology provides a lighting system that is less expensive, easier to install and provides a significant reduction in a building’s carbon footprint when compared to installations using heavy gauge wire, metal conduit and J-boxes. Category Cable is the wiring method of choice for lighting; using two pair of the eight Cat-6 conductors for every 100 watts of Class-2 power to provide a total of 200 watts of LED illumination at 48 or 56 VDC on a single Cat-6 cable.
Controlling a home, office or building’s lighting from the “Cloud” is becoming a necessity, so why would a contemporary lighting technology not include voice control? We have chosen Amazon Alexa as our first voice control interface.

DC powered lighting is lighting’s future and plays a vital role in sustaining our environment. There is no lighting technology on the planet that is more energy efficient or has as smaller of a carbon footprint than ours.